Kindergarten Student Led Conferences

What is a student led conference? A student-led conference (or an SLC) is a planned meeting where students present their data and growth with artifacts that support them. It is truly incredible what Detroit Prep students are able to articulate about their academic and character growth and their reflections on the process.  

In Kindergarten, students as young as 5 will present and share their learning three times throughout the school year. This type of presentation takes practice and a deep understanding of what they’ve learned and how they’ve grown. Teachers work closely alongside students to help them prepare and practice with their peers. Teacher intentionally plan for this practice and rounds of feedback, so all students feel ready to share.  

In the Fall, students will share their data and artifacts for letter & sound recognition, numbers and counting to 20, final products for Expedition 1. In the Winter, students will share new data points and artifacts that build onto what was shared in the Fall. By June, students are already a SLC pro and will use an agenda to move through each data point and artifact to share reading levels, addition and subtraction skills, and a brand new final product from their final expedition. Students are eager and excited to pull each piece out to share and then ask families “do you have any questions?”.  

When students understand the criteria for success, have time to practice and receive feedback, they’re able to share a deep understanding of what they’ve accomplished and what they still need to work on. The final part of an SLC gives space for students to share what they are excited to learn next, an area they want to continue to grow in, and something they feel proud of. It’s important to be able to pause and take the time to truly look back and reflect on how you’ve grown and how you would still like to grow -- What an incredible skill to learn at the age of 5!


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