High School Transition: Visits to Prospective Schools

Our oldest students are only a few months away from the full high school admission process! As part of our preparation and support for students and families, our High School Transition Coordinator (Ms. Johari) surveyed parents & guardians at the beginning of the year to gauge which schools our families were most interested in for their student’s choice of high school. Based on this data, we arranged a number of visits to some of these prospective schools! In the Spring, our students were able to visit University Prep: Science & Math, Detroit School of the Arts, and University Prep: Art & Design. 

To prepare for our visits, students first generated information they wanted to know about the schools, then created questions that would help them gain knowledge in these areas. On our visits, we were often able to experience small group tours and sample 9th grade lessons, as well as Q&A time with student ambassadors and teachers. As a result of these visits, many of our students were able to narrow down their preferred schools and their personalized goals for high school.


Nurturing Young Minds: The Resilience Boost of Skills-Based Art Education in Childhood


4th Grade Passage Presentations