Budget & Transparency
Section 18 (2) of the Public Act 94 of 1979, The State School Aid Act, has been amended, which requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts it annual operation budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The following information is required by law to be posted on all school websites:
(1) The annual operating budget and subsequent budget revisions.
(2) Using data that has already been collected and submitted to the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), a summary of district or intermediate district expenditures for the most recent fiscal year for which they are available, expressed in the following two (2) pie charts which were proved for the general fund of the district or intermediate district by the Center for Educational Performance and Information (CEPI):
(a) A chart of personnel expenditure broken down into the following subcategories:
(1) Salaries and Wages
(2) Employee benefit costs, including, but not limited to, medical, dental, vision, life, disability, and long term care benefits.
(3) Retirement benefits costs
(4) All other personnel costs
(b) A chart of all district expenditures, broken into the following subcategories:
(1) Instruction
(2) Support Services
(3) Business and administration
(4) Operations and Maintenance
(3) Links to all of the following:
(a) The current collective bargaining agreement for each bargaining unit
(b) Each health care benefits plan, including, but not limited to, medical, dental, vision, disability, long-term care, or any other type of benefits that would constitute health care services, offered to any bargaining unit or employee in the district
(c) The audit report of the audit conducted for the most recent fiscal year for which it is available.
(4) The total salary and a description and cost of each fringe benefit included in the compensation package for the superintendent of the district or intermediate district and for each employee of the district whose salary exceeds $100,000
(5) The annual amount spent on dues paid to associations
(6) The annual amount spent on lobbying services New Requirements per the July 24th, 2014 Memorandum:
(7) The most recent state approved deficit elimination plan
(8) Information on all credit cards maintained by the district
(9) Information on out-of-state travel by district administration
(10) Bids required under section 5 of the public employee health benefits act, 2007 PA 106, MCL 124.75.
(11) The district’s written policy governing procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment
(12) The district’s written policy establishing specific categories of reimbursable expenses, as described in Section 1254(2) of the revised school code, MCL 380.1254
(13) Either the district’s accounts payable check register for the most recent school fiscal year or a statement of the total amount of expenses incurred by board members or employees of the district that were reimbursed by the district for the most recent fiscal year
(1) -- Annual Operating Budget and Subsequent Revisions
2024-2025 Approved Budget || 2024-2025 Approved Budget Amendment (3.11.25)
2023-2024 Approved Final Budget Amendment || 2023-2024 Approved Budget Amendment (3.12.24) || 2023-2024 Approved Budget
2022-2023 Approved FINAL Budget Amendment (6.13.23) || 2022-2023 Approved Budget Amendment (12.13.22) || 2022-2023 Approved Budget
(2) -- Summary of Expenditures and Educational Service Provider Transparency Expressed in Pie Charts
(a) BudgetTransPersonnelRpt // BudgetTransOperatingRpt
(b) ESPTransOperationalExpenditureRpt //ESPTransExpenditureRpt
Overall average teacher salary- $78,438
Within first 3 years of teaching, average salary- $59,333
(a) BudgetTransPersonnelRpt // BudgetTransOperatingRpt
(b) ESPTransOperationalExpenditureRpt //ESPTransExpenditureRpt
(3) -- Lists of the Collective Bargaining Agreements, Health Care Plans, and Audit Reports
(a) DP does not have a collective bargaining agreement.
(b) DP Current Benefit Summary ; Per contractual agreement with Axios HR, healthcare benefits are solicited from different carriers every 3 years when renewing or continuing medical benefit plans, as required in MCL 124.75
(c) DP 22-23 Audit Report // DP 21-22 Audit Report // DP 20-21 Audit Report // DP 19-20 Audit Report // DP 18-19 Audit Report // DP 17-18 Audit Report // DP 16-17 Audit Report
(4) -- Salary and Benefit of Superintendent and Employees with Salaries Exceeding $100,000
Superintendent/Executive Director
Wages: $71,673.25
PTO: $5,769.00
FICA: $5,421.07
FUTA: $42.00
SUTA: $399.00
Workers Comp: $170.49
Admin Fee: $1,964.95
Benefits: $5,009.04
Misc: $22.01
401K Match: $3,097.69
Total: $93,568.50
Head of School
Wages: $119,570.58
PTO: $2,211.46
FICA: $8,944.95
FUTA: $42.00
SUTA: $435.60
Workers Comp: $547.95
Admin Fee: $3,836.00
Benefits: $9,431.06
Misc: $600.00
401K Match: $4,871.34
Total: $150,490.94
(5) -- Total Amount Spent on Dues Paid to Associations
DAA District spent $3,954 in dues to MAPSA, $1,000 in dues to the Diverse Charter Schools Coalition
(6) -- Annual Amount Spent on Lobbying or Lobbying Services
DP has not spent any money on lobbying or lobbying services.
(7) -- The most recent state approved deficit elimination plan.
DP does not have a deficit to eliminate and therefore does not have a deficit elimination plan.
(8) -- Information on all credit cards maintained by the district
DP does not have any credit cards.
(9) -- Information on out-of-state travel by district administration
DP administration has not traveled out of state on school business or using any school funds.
(10) -- DP is not required to solicit bids for its' benefits plans.
(11) -- DP's procurement policy
(12) -- DP's reimbursement policy
(13) -- DP’s 2023-2024 Accounts Payable Ledger, DP's 2022-2023 Accounts Payable Ledger, DP’s 2022-2023 AP Check Register
EMERGENCY DRILLS // An up-to-date log of our required emergency drills for the 2024-25 school year is here. An up-to-date log of our required emergency drills for the 2023-2024 school year is here. Logs from our prior years can be viewed here.
OUR COMPLIANCE OFFICERS // For all Title IX-related inquiries or complaints, please contact a district compliance officer: Alexa O’Brien (she/her) Chad Shellabarger (he/his).
OUR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN // DP’s 2023-24 SIP // Our district’s MI Kids Back on Track (23g) Plan can be found on p. 6 and p. 18
OUR ANNUAL EDUCATION REPORT // District AER Cover Letter & Report, DP AER Cover Letter & Report
OUR EDUCATOR EFFECTIVENESS TOOL // 2023-24 & 2024-25 School Year Evaluative Tool
OUR LOCAL WELLNESS POLICY // See our wellness policy here.
OUR CHARTER CONTRACT // See all our information about our contract with Grand Valley State University here.
OUR CONTRACT WITH OUR HR COMPANY // DAA uses an HR company for our payroll/staffing. The contract is here.
OUR ENTIRE BOARD POLICY MANUAL // It is long, and can be read here.
OUR BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE // Includes all meeting dates, relevant updates, and linked meeting minutes. The page can be viewed here.
Our district’s MI Kids Back on Track (23g) Plan can be found on p. 6 and p. 18 of our MICIP Plan.
If you would like to request support for your student through the MI Kids Back on Track programs, please visit your PowerSchool Parent Portal and complete the “Request for Support through MI Kids Back on Track Program”. Please direct any questions about this program to hello@detroitachievement.org.
Our district’s Literacy and Language Improvement Goals (35j) can be found on p. 7-8 of our MICIP Plan.
98b School Goals // Approved Midyear Progress & Goals
98c Learning Loss Plan // Continued COVID-19 Learning Plan and Education Goals
20-21 COVID-19 Extended Learning Plan Progress Transparency Reporting
Positive and Probable Case Reporting can be found here