5 Things to Do at Home on a Snow Day
Snow days are a highlight of my childhood. It is important that we make them fun and engaging for our children. Right away you picture being able to go outside and sled, make snow angels, build a snowman, and throw snowballs. Unfortunately this isn’t the case today! Most parents have to work and playing outside could be dangerous due to poor weather conditions. Here is a list of 5 screen free indoor activities that you can do when it isn’t possible to go outside.
#3 Snow Day Playdough
Playdough is our favorite center in the Lake Crew! White playdough is fun to make at home! The ingredients you need are 1 and ¼ cup of unscented white hand lotion or conditioner and 2 cups of corn starch. Mix them up together and voila you have snow play dough!!!! Have your kids make winter figures like snowmen. Find supplies around the house like glitter, sequins, ribbon, buttons, pipe cleaners, pom poms, etc.
#4 Make Your Own Puppet Show
Puppet shows are an all time favorite of mine. You can create your own puppets with materials from home like recyclables, socks, stuffed animals, popsicle sticks, and dolls. Have your kids think about a story to tell. This is an opportunity to add in story elements as well. A large cardboard box could be cut and used to create a theater. What a great way to let your kiddos creativity explode.
Make it extra fun by adding in the freeze component. Have a sibling pause the music and everyone will need to FREEZE. When the music starts, time to dance again!