High School Transition: Practicing Timed Tests

While we visited prospective high schools throughout the spring, we also talked honestly with our students & families about other requirements for high school admission. For many of the schools that our students and families are interested in, an exam may be required for admission. However, many of our assessments at Detroit Prep are untimed; as a result, many of our students do not have experience with timed tests. 

To address this, we partnered with our sister school, Detroit Achievement Academy, to simulate the exam experience that students might have. Students showed up to DAA (a school that many of them had not been to before) on a Saturday morning, were greeted by DAA staff leaders (who many of them had not met before), and took a timed, standardized test (which none of them had done before). This experience helped students reflect on what it felt like to be faced with so many unknowns and gave them an opportunity to practice testing at a more urgent pace. We are excited for our students to put this experience to the test when they take their exams in the fall!


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